Weekly Comic Review for 4/4/11

OK. Despite being worn out after the gym today, I’m here writing up my review for you before I collapse in bed. Let’s see what I picked up in the last week…

Adventure Comics #526 – The story of the Legion Academy continues… for half the book at least. The story is a short wrap up of stuff after last issue. The second half of the issue is a story about XS who receives a visit from Night Girl and an offer at Legion Academy.

Avengers Academy #13 – On to a different academy. This one is a bit more fun as a bunch of the younger heroes (everyone from Butterball to former New Warrior Firestar) are invited in for a dance. There are some rough spots with Mettle and Hazmat and some humor as Komodo hits on Reptil not knowing he’s actually under-age. Plus, a couple cast members end up in bed. (I’ll let you guess who.) Overall, it’s a fun story with all the quirky awkwardness that often happens at school dances.

Freedom Fighters #9 – The team is no more. This leaves the Human Bomb with no place to set-up to keep his powers under control. Donning a new suit for a new lease on life, he and his teammates try to make the best of the situation. Ray, Black Condor, and the Human Bomb head out for one last mission together which leads to HB getting captured by the government. This really can’t end too well. But as the last page says “The End… Or the Beginning?” Well, obviously the end as the front cover states. Really makes you wonder why they started a new storyline in the final issue. I’ll never understand comic publishers.

Herc #2 – Our favorite furry chested former god is back and still kicking some Hobgoblin butt. After an interesting offer from from the Kingpin, Herc continues his search for his missing worshipers. It turns out that the path is leading to one of the sons of the now dead god Ares. This could be quite a test for Herc since he no longer has his powers. I do have one question though. How does that kilt/wrap thing Herc wears stay down when he’s jumping from heights?

Heroes for Hire #6 – Control has Paladin out on a mission which gets him in a little trouble. And who is there to save the day? None other than Paladin’s “favorite” hero, Spider-Man. Once Spider-Man finds out that the being for hire can mean information and assistance instead of pay, he’s on board and ready to help Heroes for Hire which is a good thing since Paladin had gotten himself into even deeper trouble with Batroc. The connection between Misty and Paladin is a lot of fun to watch throughout the issue.

JSA All-Stars #18 – It’s part 2 (of 2, thankfully) of the Prince storyline. We find out the Prince may not be quite as whacked out as he seems. Thankfully, the team is able to send him back to his world so things can get back to “normal” again.

Marvel Zombies Supreme #4 – (Yes, I did miss #3. I realized that when I started reading this one. #3 is currently in my bag to pick up tomorrow.) It’s the “Everything you wanted to know about Jack of Hearts but was afraid to ask (because someone might tell you)” issue. This is only a 5 issue mini-series. Why spend half an issue on flash backs on Jack’s history. There is a little of Battlestar and his group though as Golden Arrow is taken out and Amphibian is left sorta helpless. At least the zombie roll call is getting shorter as the good guys diminish.

Moon Knight #1 – Moon Knight is back in his old title again even if the art sucks. And to top it off, this issue guess stars Spider-Man, Captain America, and Wolverine… or does it? (The first clue is that Cap seems to be Steve Rogers who isn’t Cap any more.) It seems that Marc still isn’t quite one with sanity. I just hope the devil on his shoulder that was around last night doesn’t show back up again. Let’s hope things improve in the art and that they give Moon Knight the respect he deserves. I’ve been a fan of the character every since I ran across him in some of the earlier issues of the Defenders.

Secret Six #33 – We get a look at a demonized version of the Secret Six down in Hell as they battle their own demons as well as the actual demons of Hell. Ragdoll switches sides and is back with the Six and Scandal is given a choice between her old love, Knockout, and her new and captured love who is still back on Earth. It should be interesting to see who she chooses next issue.

Superboy #7 – A very confusing story line jumps back and forth between 2 supposed time periods leaving Superboy as confused as the readers. The reason for all this is a “Red Mercy” which seems to be like the Black Mercy with the opposite effect – nightmares instead of desires. Psionic Lad pulls him out of it tho. Wish I knew what was up with this kid.

So, there we go. Some decent books this week. My top 3 this week are going to have to go to Herc, Heroes for Hire, and Moon Knight (despite the bad art). I’m hoping Moon Knight improves in the months to come.

But that wasn’t all the comics from this past week, it was just the ones from last Wednesday. There’s stll the Free Comic Book Day ones to cover. Sorry, but I’m not going to review all of these. One of these days, I might comment on a couple if I feel they are of note, once I finish reading them all. For now, I’m just going to list some of the books I picked up in no particular order.

Pep Comics Featuring Betty and Veronica
Path of the Planeswalker (a Magic the Gathering comic book)
Witch & Wizard (a black and white book with a manga look)
Silver Scorpion
Green Lantern Special Edition (with a Flashpoint preview)
Super Dinosaur: Origin Special (With a title like that, how could I not?)
Elric: The Balance Lost
Kung Fu Panda (with a Richie Rich flip book)
Darkwing Duck (with a Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers flip book… and yes, I chose the primary books for a reason)
DC Kids
Young Justice/Batman: The Brave and the Bold Super Sampler
The Amazing Spider-Man
Captain America/Thor: The Mighty Fighting Avengers (considering the art, I got what I paid for)
The Tick (very little actual “comic” tho it though. Mostly all text.)
Locke & Key
The Darkness: Confession

That should give me a little light reading for a while. I hope everyone got out and picked up some books of their own. See you soon with more reviews and such.

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