
Welcome to my adventure into all things… well, a lot of them at least… geeky.  I’m a Gen X gay guy who’s still unabashedly a kid at heart.  I love video games, card games, computers, comic books, cartoons, anime, TV, and more.  This is my place to explore things I see, like, or just feel like talking about.

5 Responses

  1. Hey, do you have a banner for your site. One that’s vertical. Check out my site and look at the banners on the right side of the page so you can see the dimensions I’m talking about. I’m updating my site and I’d like to had an actual banner for your site to be put up there too.


    • GeekOfAllTrades says:

      I don’t have one yet but I can make one up and send it to you. Thanks for contacting me on this.


  2. Drew Ford says:

    Greetings. I just wanted to say that I am really glad you enjoyed my Jesse Quick story in the new JSA 80 Pager. I loved that build up as well and I wanted to reference it in this new story. Thanks so much for the kind words. Glad you liked it!

    • GeekOfAllTrades says:

      I’m not sure what changes the new reboot will bring but I’m hoping we’ll get to see more of them. Thanks for stopping by. I’m amazed you found my site but glad you did.

  3. James says:


    I wanted to know how to get in touch with you to send you a comic anthology that the Quatrefoil Library produced to give out on free comic book day to promote our queer comics collection.

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