Author: The Geek of All Trades


Arcane Alley: Moonstruck Market Is Finally Released

It seems like ages ago that I chipped in on the Kickstarter for the expansion of Arcane Alley called Moonstruck Market. It was originally planned to come out (appropriately) around Halloween. No one could have seen the complications...


Will Dark Nights lead into Better Days?

First, we had Barry Allen reboot the universe with Flashpoint. Then we had Rebirth bring back Wally West along with news that the reboot wasn’t Barry’s fault and hint that it was Doctor Manhattan. We eventually moved on...


Welcome Back to Geek of All Trades

This site has been collecting dust for a while. It needed a redesign and nothing I came up with felt right. I guess it just took a pandemic leaving me nothing creative to do to have enough time...


Review: Shazam!

When the trailer for Shazam! hit the theatres, I was prepared to hate it. I planned to go see it anyway, but I didn’t expect to like it. Yes, Billy Batson was always a kid inside the body...


Review: Justice League vs the Fatal Five

Let me start out by saying that I’ve always been a huge Legion of Super-Heroes fan. Seeing the title mention the Fatal Five was a draw from the start, but to see Star Boy on the cover just...


Titans Launches on DC Universe Service

DC Comics launched its new service, DC Universe, in September 2018. The initial launch included a number of DC’s TV shows, movies, and digital comic books. On October 12, the service launched the first of its live action...


Time for a Little Redecorating

Am I back? For now, it seems. For how long? Time will tell. For now, I’m working on giving the site a little better look. We’ve got a new background with a new header on the way. There’s...


Long Time No See

Hey, everyone. I know I’ve been gone for a while. Life has been busy including duties as a regional leather title holder. (Yes, I’m a kinky geek too.) I’ve been thinking about the site lately and if anyone...


Taking a Bit of a Break

I’ve been meaning to post this up for a bit but have been busy with a lot of stuff. The site is on hiatus for a while while I pursue a few other endeavors. Hopefully, I’ll be back...