Author: The Geek of All Trades


Weekly Comic Review for 11/11/15

All-New All-Different Avengers #1 – You know they are running out of names when they have to add a double adjective before the team name making this awkward of a title. On top of that, we have the...


Weekly Comic Review for 11/4/15

OK. Time to start catching up. Bat-Mite #6 of 6 – Yes, it’s the big finale of the mess that Bat-Mite is making of things. He’s really going overboard by this point. He changed Mount Rushmore to look...


In the Meantime…. Bears

OK. I finally got my computer up and running yesterday which means new posts are coming soon. (That is, if my computer doesn’t decide to hate me more.) In the meantime, a break for a fun video from...


Busy Weekend at Fan Fest

Well, I was at Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest from Friday through Sunday. It was a fun time. Between that and trying to get my new computer working (It still isn’t.), I’ve been pretty busy. I’ll be working on...

Weekly Comic Review for 10/28/15 0

Weekly Comic Review for 10/28/15

We’ve got a short stack of books this week. Flash #45 – Wally comes up with a plan to break through the dome. Flash gets everyone through but the police station blows up and the captain goes on...

Weekly Comic Review for 10/21/15 0

Weekly Comic Review for 10/21/15

OK. I spent yesterday evening picking up stuff I needed on Cyber Monday instead of writing. But it’s for my new computer so I had a reason. But now I’m on to the writing… Astonishing Ant-Man #1 –...

Weekly Comics Review for 10/14/15 0

Weekly Comics Review for 10/14/15

I’ve got another bigger week so I’ll try to get it in before I head to bed. (OK. I got half way through and had to sleep.) Bat-Mite #5 of 6 – Bat-Mite turns his sights on a...

Weekly Comics Review for 10/7/15 0

Weekly Comics Review for 10/7/15

OK. Some medical issues and the start of the holidays have had me away from here for a bit but I’m going to try to catch up as quickly as I can. My comic stack has been a...

Weekly Comic Review for 9/30/15 0

Weekly Comic Review for 9/30/15

Another light week to catch up on. There are come big ones coming up tho. Archie #3 – Veronica Lodge makes her arrival to Riverdale and it’s love at first sight for Archie. For Ronnie, it’s slave at...

Weekly Comic Review for 9/23/15 0

Weekly Comic Review for 9/23/15

Another short list this week. Flash #44 – After escaping the underwater trap, Flash does the only logical thing. He went home. There’s no trying to catch Zoom’s crew. He heads back home to catch an argument between...