Weekly Comic Review for 7/22/15
Cyborg #1 – I’m still not happy with the whole start of the story stays in the back of a random second issue of a mini-series. Victor goes to his father’s lab to show him what happened to...
Cyborg #1 – I’m still not happy with the whole start of the story stays in the back of a random second issue of a mini-series. Victor goes to his father’s lab to show him what happened to...
There are even fewer books this week. All the Secret Wars tie-ins don’t help since I’m not reading most of them. Ant-Man Annual #1 – The issue starts out with Scott and his misfit crew in a bar...
Despite the number of comics in my pile, it’s not a very big week. Archie #1 – It’s a fresh start with a new look as Archie relaunches after ending with issue #666. There are 22 different covers,...
On 7/1/15, on top of the comics in the preview, I also got a free preview magazine for the new Marvel post-Secret Wars. There’s very brief (mostly 1 page pictures) about the new books. Here are my thoughts...
Yeah, I’m definitely backlogged. I was out of town for a while and then had computer issues. But I’m getting back on track. Bat-Mite #2 – We pick up with Bat-Mite in the dungeon with an unconscious Hawkman....
We’ve got another week with not a lot of books to review. I won’t be around for a couple weeks but I’ll catch up after that. Flash #41 – We pick up after the break-up with Barry living...
Very light comic load this week. Doctor Fate #1 – It seems the Doctor Fate of New 52 Earth (even if “New 52” has been removed from the covers) is Khalid, just like on Earth 2. The difference...
It’s a much smaller pile of comics this week as we get back from Convergence. Constantine the Hellblazer #1 – The first thing that hit me about this issue was the artwork. Totally not my thing. They are...
There was a lot of books this week. At least they are regular ones this time around and not all Convergence. All-New X-Men #41 – This is a follow-up to the last issue with the mutants on Utopia....
I rushed to read this prior to Phoenix Comicon so I could prepare for my “Crisis to Convergence” panel but haven’t had time to touch them since. So, here I go… Convergence #8 of 8 – We’re finally...