Category: Movies

Movie Night: Fright Night 1

Movie Night: Fright Night

Tonight I went to see Fright Night tonight with my friends of the Phoenix Movie Bears. Upon leaving the movie theatre, I had one main thought in my mind… Why the hell was it over 100° out when...

Green But Not WIth Envy 0

Green But Not WIth Envy

* * * SPOILERS * * * I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this movie. Super-hero movies lately have been about 50/50. The look of the CGI outfit in the pictures was questionable. And while I...

In brightest day… 0

In brightest day…

In brightest day… I was still ready to fall asleep today. So, sadly, I didn’t join my friends tonight to go see Green Lantern tonight. I plan to go see it over the next couple days though. Maybe...

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 0

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

Yesterday, DC released it’s newest animated feature, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. This is out just in time to lead up to the live action Green Lantern movie releasing next week. I stopped on the way home from the...

X-Men: The Random Class 0

X-Men: The Random Class

* * * SPOILERS * * * A group of my friends wanted to go see X-Men: First Class last night so I decided to join them. I haven’t read any articles about the movie but I’ve seen...

Thor – A Great Movie and Distraction 0

Thor – A Great Movie and Distraction

Remember the kittens I mentioned back in this post? Well, I finally had to give them to the Arizona Humane Society today along with the mother kitty. I really want them to have a good home instead of...

Green Hornet — Sting or Stink? 1

Green Hornet — Sting or Stink?

I’ve never actually seen any of the old Green Hornet shows. It’s something I want to do one of these days though. What got me interested in the Green Hornet was the NOW Comics series that was published...