Category: Uncategorized


Welcome Back to Geek of All Trades

This site has been collecting dust for a while. It needed a redesign and nothing I came up with felt right. I guess it just took a pandemic leaving me nothing creative to do to have enough time...


Time for a Little Redecorating

Am I back? For now, it seems. For how long? Time will tell. For now, I’m working on giving the site a little better look. We’ve got a new background with a new header on the way. There’s...


Long Time No See

Hey, everyone. I know I’ve been gone for a while. Life has been busy including duties as a regional leather title holder. (Yes, I’m a kinky geek too.) I’ve been thinking about the site lately and if anyone...


Taking a Bit of a Break

I’ve been meaning to post this up for a bit but have been busy with a lot of stuff. The site is on hiatus for a while while I pursue a few other endeavors. Hopefully, I’ll be back...

Down But Not Forgotten 0

Down But Not Forgotten

I’m still around. I’ve just been down sick for a while now. While I’ve been getting back to work, I still come home tired and a little too unfocused to write. I will be back soon hopefully with...

Weekly Comic Review for 4/1/15 0

Weekly Comic Review for 4/1/15

Convergence #0 – It’s the start of the whole Convergence thing that’s supposed to remake the DC universe yet again. It’s all about Superman and seeing all the various Brainiacs and Supermen from various continuities. You also learn...

Weekly Comic Review for 2/26/14 0

Weekly Comic Review for 2/26/14

OK. I’m getting ridiculously behind as life has gotten busy. Time to set some time aside for the reviews and a couple other posts I want to do. Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps: H.A.R.D. Corps #0 – The story...

Stable….  Sorta 0

Stable…. Sorta

Well, the site seems to be up and running for now but I’m still having some issues on the back end of it. Hopefully my hosting company can figure out what changed at their end that things are...

Weekly Comic Review for 9/25/13 0

Weekly Comic Review for 9/25/13

I’ve had a lot less going on and have been able to get through my reading faster so here is this week’s comic reviews including the final week of villain month. Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4 (Joker’s Daughter...