Tagged: DC

The New 52 #1s of DC 0

The New 52 #1s of DC

The list of 52 new number 1 issues have been released from DC. DC has announces them in categories, but I’ve got the list here in Alphabetical order with a few notes of my own. Action Comics –...

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights 0

Green Lantern: Emerald Knights

Yesterday, DC released it’s newest animated feature, Green Lantern: Emerald Knights. This is out just in time to lead up to the live action Green Lantern movie releasing next week. I stopped on the way home from the...

52 First Issues for DC in September 0

52 First Issues for DC in September

DC really seems to love the number 52. I’m not sure if they picked 52 on purpose but it’s been announced the the current Flashpoint mini-series will be leading into a reboot of a lot of titles as...