Tagged: gay

Happy National Coming Out Day 0

Happy National Coming Out Day

I’d like to wish a Happy National Coming Out Day to all my gay readers. This is the 25th anniversary of the first National Coming Out Day. I’ve personally been out for a little over 20 years myself....

The Rise of the Fall 0

The Rise of the Fall

Depending on the channel, new shows pop up all the time. Channels like SyFy and BBC have their own schedules, but most of the public air channels (for those who remember TVs that had antennas) have classically started...

Weekly Comic Review for 8/28/13 0

Weekly Comic Review for 8/28/13

This weekend, for the holiday, my local comic shop had a $1 sale on back issues. Not just recent issues but a lot of older stuff that wasn’t overly expensive. I got some good deals on old Avengers...

Weekly Comic Review for 8/7/13 0

Weekly Comic Review for 8/7/13

There was a little more to read this weekend. All-New X-Men #15 – This issue plays a little closer to home. Most of it takes place right in the mansion or in the city nearby. No super-villains. It’s...

John Barrowman Gets Married 0

John Barrowman Gets Married

Our beloved hero Captain Jack is now married. It didn’t even take a time machine to do it. Following the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA and Proposition 8 on June 26, 2013, gay marriage was allowed in California...

Phoenix Comicon Is Off to a Good Start 0

Phoenix Comicon Is Off to a Good Start

Last night was the opening of Phoenix Comicon but today was the big start. With tons of dealers and publishers in the dealer room, lots of panels to check out, and people cosplaying characters from almost every corner...

Updates, Both Comicon and General 0

Updates, Both Comicon and General

Hello, everyone.  Things have been a little crazy lately.  I haven’t been home for more than a couple non-sleep hours each of that last few days.  When I’ve been home, I’ve been working on redesigning this site, working...

Phoenix ComiCon Update: A Gay Touch 2

Phoenix ComiCon Update: A Gay Touch

Last year around this time, I was asked if there were going to be any gay panels for Phoenix ComiCon. I reached out to the staff and discovered that there were not any planned at that time. I...

Bear or Bare? 0

Bear or Bare?

While eating lunch, I decided to catch up on some DVRed TV shows. The one I picked to watch was “What!? The Long and Short of Body Hair.” This was the most recent in the line of Logo’s...

Weekly Comic Review for 4/10/13 0

Weekly Comic Review for 4/10/13

Finally catching up on my comic reviews. Archer & Armstrong #9 – There’s even more history for the Eternal Warrior and we get to see who he calls “Mother”. I wonder if this is leading into his own...