Phoenix Comicon 2014 Is Almost Here
In about 3 1/2 week, Phoenix Comicon starts. It runs from June 5-8. Unlike past years, it will not be over Memorial Day weekend due to conflicts at the convention center. To help improve the con, the staff...
In about 3 1/2 week, Phoenix Comicon starts. It runs from June 5-8. Unlike past years, it will not be over Memorial Day weekend due to conflicts at the convention center. To help improve the con, the staff...
Phoenix Comicon is less than a month away. Before I start talking about what’s to come, I want to review what happened at least year’s convention. Every year, there are tons of panels. The areas are split up...
I know it’s taken me a while but I got the pictures up from Phoenix Comicon 2013. You can find the gallery here. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Yes, I survived the con. (The my feet may argue that fact after all my time on them.) I’m working up the write-ups, editing the pictures, and such from Phoenix Comicon. I’ll even have more information on the...
Last night was the opening of Phoenix Comicon but today was the big start. With tons of dealers and publishers in the dealer room, lots of panels to check out, and people cosplaying characters from almost every corner...
Hello, everyone. Things have been a little crazy lately. I haven’t been home for more than a couple non-sleep hours each of that last few days. When I’ve been home, I’ve been working on redesigning this site, working...
Last year around this time, I was asked if there were going to be any gay panels for Phoenix ComiCon. I reached out to the staff and discovered that there were not any planned at that time. I...
Today is the Pride Parade in Phoenix. I hope everyone here gets out and celebrates. If you see me out and around, say hi.
It’s just about that time again. 7 more week from tonight will be the start of Phoenix ComiCon. I’ve been working on getting a Gays in Comics panel since I’ve had people contact me who were interested in...
I finally finished editing and uploading the pictures from this year’s Phoenix Comic Con. Check them out in the Photo Album link above and see what you missed out on.