Welcome Back to Geek of All Trades

This site has been collecting dust for a while. It needed a redesign and nothing I came up with felt right. I guess it just took a pandemic leaving me nothing creative to do to have enough time to figure out where I was going wrong. We’ve got a new look, a new layout, and a new start. Yes, the old posts are still here from past years (and the more recent ones have featured images added, which was a draw to the new template) so you can look back. Now that it has a better look, I’ll see where things will go. After a few false starts over the past year, until I get the ball really rolling, I’m not setting myself up for anything too big. 2021 is a new and hopefully better year though. Let’s see where this all goes together and hopefully something good will come of it. Feel free to drop an email, comment on this post, or say hi to me on Facebook or Twitter. Let me know what you like, don’t like, or want to see in the future. Thanks for visiting.

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